Free Medicine Distribution

About the project

This programs aim to ensure that low-income families and individuals have access to the medications they need to manage their health conditions. As part of this, we provide free medication to eligible individuals who cannot afford to pay for their prescription drugs.

The program started as an early initiative of Helping Hands to support the patients of Kozhikode Medical College. By the grace of Almighty, we were able support hundreds of patients for the last 26 years to find a means to fund their medicines

Eligibility Criteria

The criteria include income level or specific medical conditions. Individuals usually need to provide documentation such as income statements, medical records, and proof of residency.

How can you support ?

The whole programs is funded by a variety of sources, including individuals, businesses, and community organizations.

You can sponsor a patient for a week/month or even quarter of an year

In addition to financial support, local communities can also provide volunteer support for Free Medicine Programs. Volunteers can help with tasks such as medication distribution, fundraising, and program administration. Community support is essential for the success of Free Medicine Programs and can help ensure that they can continue to provide much-needed medication to individuals in need.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop

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blue and white medication pill
blue and white medication pill